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Sunday, March 23, 2008

nan lian garden & chi lin nunnery

3 sis brought Porpor to tour around in Diamond Hill - Chi Lin and the Hollywood Plaza.

It could be nice that we explore more places within HK for leisurely walks.

Lunch - Thai - not really good.


Dinner at Porpor's place. Marga fried the big fish heads with red chilli and spring onions - yummy. She learned it from the chef in Miramar.

The dinner last evening in Megabox chiuchow restaurant was not of high standard.

Andrew bought some Chinese mushrooms and Christy bought some bird's nests for Porpor.

Gungung is in UCH.

IDD Min in the Old Vicarage and talked to both Tony & Peggy - the old lady who wrote a book about Marden.

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