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Friday, March 06, 2009

glowing, radiant, light-hearted

Lorraine tel & was surprised when she saw my photo taken on Monday. Slimmer. But that is not the whole thing is about. The radiance, the smile & the happiness expressed. She encouraged me to remain positive. Sure, I will. As long as love lasts.

Lorraine also talked about Kevin. The youngsters have their love, work and future. Life is interesting, I am told, coz we cannot foretell what lies ahead.

Dined out at Wanchai with Ella & Kam. Kam will fly to London on 13/3.

Talking to Min over Skype. She said she had never seen Mom being so light-hearted before. She likes to see Mom to be happy.

Van bought a set of educational materials for Anis.

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