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Tuesday, November 24, 2009


"talk to you later." That is the usual acronym that Min uses to end our chats. The younger generation has so many of these, especially for online communication. Language grows from culture, geographical regions and different ages and classes.

Meryl Streep has a song "The Winner Takes It All" from the movie/musical "Mamma Mia". I listen to it for a thousand times. I have been thinking who is the Winner, what is a Winner, takes What and what is All.

How much in life have I won? Anyone, anything is a "must to be won"? For what? Anyone wants to win me? What happens if I fail? How many times have I failed? With the hind sight, was I stupid in pursuing at all? Anyone, anything right in front of me to be won?

To win means to be victorious in a battle, contests or a race; to obtain or achieve something as the result of a bet, competition or race; to obtain or reach something especially as a resulf of hard work or perseverance.

The Winner Takes It All! What happens to the Loser? Who is the Loser? Why join the game?

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