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Friday, February 15, 2008

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day = meeting, business lunch, meeting and meeting. From 9 am to 8 pm.

Woke up at 5 am. Too excited, perhaps. Arrived HK airport at 7:30 am. Arrived Singapore at 1:15 pm. Lorraine drove us to her mother-in-law's place to pay her a visit.

Removed the padlock from Porpor's travelling bag. She left the key in HK. My Goodness!

Fetched Wenbang from the Singaporean Air Force Armour Centre. A tank was displayed outside.

The country has excellent town-planning. We passed a group of cemeteries - Chinese, Muslim and ......

Will go out for dinner for Hai Nan Chicken Rice. Jerry cannot join us. He has functions for the Chinese Uew Year.

Wenjun is a genius. He resolved the puzzles quick & many.

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