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Friday, April 02, 2010

Why is it there so much evil in the world?

We cannot forget that in every century, at the hour of truth, even Christians have asked themselves a tormenting question: How to continue to trust in a God who is supposed to be a merciful Father, in a God who -as the New Testament reveals - is meant to be Love itself, when suffering, injustice, sickness, and death seem to dominate the larger history of the world as well as our smaller daily lives?

She was dressed in pink standing in the playpen waiting for us. When I rang the door bell, I heard her laughters. So keen to see each other! I held her in my arms. The world has become very sweet and warm. She can say "car, daddy & mamma." Joe had bought her a toy taxi but she seems to be more interested in the real ones, moving on the road.

Another baby girl is also adorable, I was told. The Grandpa is totally softened by her chats and dances.

Wednesday - a delicious and expensive lunch from D. Exactly 1 year after the launch. Min is fond of the pink cute cuddle blanket.

Thursday (All Fools' Day) - a medical report that is relieving and the doctor very re-assuring. A relaxing afternoon tea at home. Then I bought myself a present for myself to celebrate. A dinner for reunion of the 2 sisters.

We will have another gathering this evening at Jordan.

I know I am lucky.

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