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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

heat of the summer

The air-con is either too cold when it is on or too stuffy when I turn it off. My office is never having controlled temperature. I have to be very careful not to catch a cold in such hot weather. Shawls or thin cardigans will be most useful. Water, too. Air-con and incessant talks on phone and seeing people make my throat dry. And my nasal allergy.

Thinking of Pa - his old age and illnesses must be something difficult to bear with. We all grow old unless we die young. So many illnesses & discomfort come along with old age. That is why Kam said getting a companion at old age means getting to nurse that someone. She is more on the negative side of seeing things.

Min is having lots of fun in her summer vacation. Van is feeding Anis with mashed fresh fruits like bananas and peaches.

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