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Thursday, January 13, 2011

lesson one in school

Hi Sweetie,

Your Mom told me that you climbed up a chair to avoid a robbery and fell down and suffered some bruises on the face. A boy pushed you yesterday and today.

Poor Baby. Your Grandma is sharing the same experiences in the office. Some guys always want to snatch the toys or cookies in our hands. We are tossed from time to time for no good reasons known. The teachers may not notice or they do not care. Some wicked guys take pleasure in watching us fall or get bruises. Some pretend they do not see. Some broadcast any bad news immediately once they find it. Or tell others all news in a manner that the news must become bad.

You need to learn to survive. However, I prefer you would survive with grace & calmness. Accept the rules of the jungle without turning into a snake, a fox or a swine.

Lots of hugs & kisses

PS Your Yeeyee's teddy bear has been sent by air parcel. There is a risk of its being rejected as one of its hands has an inbuilt battery enabling it to say "I love u". The battery may be considered as dangerous and forbidden. Keep our fingers crossed.

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