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Sunday, March 02, 2008

Kyushu & Fukuoka

A routine of my Saturday programmes: morning walk with Nita - she is becoming a mate other than a maid.

Went to Flora.

8th Happiness has delicious Taiwanese food. I tried soy-sauced pork and rice, eggplant with sesame sauce and wine-chicken.

Dinner at home. Spent lots of time playing computer mj. So don't blame the youngsters. The fun is there and keeps one ongoing.

Van has bought a book on Hakata & Huis Ten Bosch. I am reading it so to grasp more information.

Anticipation is meaningful. I look forward to seeing Min by the end of March and going to Japan with Van by the end of April. I will pick a scarf with beads and floral patterns made in India - a blue one.

Today: pingpong in the morning; lunch at Times Square with Van & A and dinner at Porpor's home.

* Eventually, I went to Tabla at M/Floor in Prince's Building and selected a pink and cream coloured scarf with embroideries. The shops is selling items from India. I like a dark blue one with strings of silver beads. Too expensive.

Watched the ceremonies in memory of Lydia Shum on TV.

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