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Sunday, March 30, 2008

Terminal 5 - chaotic

Pingpong at Victoria Park again.

Sunday brunch with Min. Rosa, Axelle & Kitty will be leaving after summer. She has to build up a new social network. Depends on the luck of having what kind of new comers. Her experience with Star & Eagle is precious. She will meet Karin in the afternoon and Axelle in the evening.

I had spent 3 hours at waiting for her yesterday. Mike drove us to the Tung Chung Pier and had a walk at the big big Citygate Arcade. We stayed in the Spaghetti House for a while.

Min came out shortly after 7 pm. The luggage was left behind. She filled in the claim form and awaited for the return of it today. It is a billions' worth internationl airport. How could they be like that?

The suitcase was indeed sent back by noon time. But the red strap was missing.

I bought some skin care products for Min and a local tel card for her use during these 3 weeks. Booked a tour to Taipei fpr 4 days. All tours to Thailand are full.

Dinner at Porpor's place. I gave the green jacket to Marga. She accepts it. I must refrain from buying clothes for the 2 girls. They, like all young people, do not share the same taste. So, I better save my money & money & save the disappointment of being rejected.

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