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Thursday, June 05, 2008

jumping from height

A staff jumped one floor down and hurt herself. She is now in hospital receiving treatment.

Marga talked to me over the phone after my work. She tel me yesterday but I was too busy. She began to sound normal though with lots of bad feelings retained.

Marga thinks I am very very strong.

If I could ever choose, I would like to be a spoilt little woman. Yet, the Supreme Being prefers me not.

Van & A are happy together. Both of them are lucky enough to have loving Moms forever supporting them.

Could not get hold of Min.

Arthur will bring us to Summer Palace tomorrow. That is a piece of good news for me. I enjoy the rain when it rains. I enjoy the sunhine when the sun shines.

Happiness is such a mystery. Can we touch it? Can we find it? Can we retain it?

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